Dyer Livestock - Show Goats
We strive to raise high quality show goats that bring exhibitors success across the nation. Beyond the quality of our goats, we set ourselves apart from the competition by creating champion showmen and providing superb service. At the Georgia State Shows and National Shows, we offer the opportunity to our customers to have their goats fit before they hit the ring. High quality goats, champion showmen, and top-notch service is our mission in the show goat industry.
‘Show Like A Pro’
Annual Customer Clinic
Georgia Club Goat Producers Association (GCGPA)
The Georgia Club Goat Producers Association strives to recognize exhibitors and breeders of Georgia born & bred goats. All of the goats we raise are eligible to be enrolled with the GCGPA. Exhibitors and their families must submit an annual membership form, and enroll their goats each season (market and doe seasons) to be eligible. Being enrolled in GCGPA allows exhibitors to show in the GCGPA Georgia Born & Bred show incorporated into Georgia’s State Shows. The 2024 GCGPA info can be using the green buttons below.